Competency 8: Continuous Quality Improvement and QA Measurement Processes & Tools for CoD Services

Skill 8A: Able to identify level of service integration for programs that serve individuals with co-occurring disorders.

  • Familiar with program types that serve people with COD:
  • Substance Use Disorder Services only or Mental Health Only Services.
  • Co-Occurring or Dual Diagnosis Capable-programs are geared primarily to treat either substance use disorders or mental-health disorders, but program staff are able to address the interaction between mental and substance-related disorders
  • Co-Occurring or Dual diagnosis Enhanced programs have a higher level of integration of substance abuse and mental-health treatment services.

Skill 8B: Able to conduct assessments of Co-Occurring Capable (COC), Co-Occurring Enhanced (COE), and integrated healthcare across primary health and behavioral health as needed or required whether at the system, program, or clinical practice levels.

  • Knowledge regarding the benefits and importance of quality measures toward the development and improvement of the capacity to provide integrated care in addressing the complex service needs of individuals with Co-occurring disorders.
  • Understand that tools can measure and improve co-occurring performance in systems programs and staff competency.
  • Knowledge of tools and resources that are readily available for quality measurement and planning in various settings:

Dual Diagnosis Enhanced Instruments:

  • Integrated Dual Disorders Treatment (ITCOD, formerly IDDT) Fidelity Scale

Program Assessments:

  • Dual Diagnosis Capability in Healthcare Settings (DDCHCS)
  • Dual Diagnosis Capability in Youth Treatment (DDCYT)
  • Dual Diagnosis Physician-infrastructure Assessment Tool (DDPAT)
  • Dual Diagnosis Capability in Medically Integrative Care (DDMICe)
  • Dual Diagnosis Capability in Behavioral Health Treatment (DDCBHT)

Program Assessments (CCISC):

  • Co-Occurring Capability Development Program Report (brief checklist)

System Instruments: 

  • CCISC Fidelity and Implementation Tool (CO-FIT100)
  • System Tool for Evaluation Progress to Integration (STEP to Integration)

Clinician Assessment:

  • Co-occurring disorders Educational Competency and Assessment Tool (CODECAT)

Skill 8C: Able to create a plan of action from assessment results.

  • Knowledge regarding readily available resources not only for the conduct of quality improvement measurement of COC and COE, but also upon completion for scoring and interpretation, and action planning.

Skill 8D: Within the context of an action plan able to measurably track progress in an ongoing basis, and make revisions or updates as needed.

  • Knowledge in the area of “Continuous Quality Improvement” (CQI) processes and measures, along with program planning and data tracking.

Skill 8E: Able to measure the effectiveness of treatment and services being provided.

  • Understand that measurement-based care allows the organization and individual practitioners to determine if what they’re doing is having a positive and significant impact on the individual served, and to detect patients who are not improving as early as possible. (Joint Commission)
  • Understand that employing measurement and feedback processes can lead to improvement in the implementation of services.
  • Familiar with outcome measures utilized in the behavioral-health field.